Adopt a tortoise


You can support us by “adopting” a tortoise patient or a baby starting at just €100. Your adoption directly benefits the continued care and treatment of our sick, injured, and newly hatched tortoises. With your donation, you will be providing the food, medication, veterinary care, and maintenance. You’ll be able to visit your adopted tortoise. If you live locally, you can always stop by and pay a visit. If you don’t live nearby, we will e-mail you updates to enable you to keep up with your animal’s medical progress.


Adopt a baby tortoise adopt_a_tortoise

You can help restore the wild population of tortoises. How? Help raise a tortoise hatchling for a year. Give it a head start in life! We currently head start and release 180-200 tortoises per year.

How to adopt?

  1. Chose a tortoise from our list below.
  2. Name the tortoise. As the hatchlings can’t be sexed until their 8 year, you have to assign a proper name.
  3. Contact us to send you an adoption contract.
  4. Transfer the donation fee. This adoption program is tax deductible.
  5. Request a regular information about your tortoise, visit it and participate in its release. All information, photos and your adoption certificate will be sent to you electronically.

Total Adoption Cost for a baby tortoise: 100.00 per tortoise per year

This one-year adoption fee allows us to release a young tortoise at a size where it is not likely to be bothered by predators. These animals have a life span near a century, so once an animal reaches adult size, it could continue to reproduce in the wild for 40 or more years.

Hint: This is perhaps the ideal present for someone who thinks they have everything.

How to donate?

Donate by PayPal, credit or debit card:

Donate by bank transfer:

Gea Chelonia Foundation
Bank name: Raiffeisen Bank
Bank account (BGN): BG45RZBB91551086349113

What your donation provides?

Food, the cost of electricity (primarily for egg incubation, freezers for food storage, vitamins, veterinary work as needed, facility maintenance and security, and cost of transportation to release the animal. There are no overhead costs; all money goes directly to raising young tortoises to a size that helps guarantee their survival.

Raising your adopted tortoise

Your tortoise will be cared for through its first year/s by our team who have been breeding and releasing this species for over 15 years. First head-started young ones are already reproducing in the wild. Through programs like this, tortoise populations that were brought to near-extinction have been restored through reintroduction into former habitats.

Funds generated from the Adopt a tortoise program will allow the Tortoise centre to upgrade its facility and increase the number of young tortoises for release.

Hatchling adoption list adopt_a_tortoise

Baby 1

Marginated Tortoise (Testudo marginata)
Hatched in 2020

Baby 2

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Hatched in 2018

Baby 3

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Hatched in 2017
Baby 4

Spur-thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca)
Hatched in 2017

Baby 5

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Hatched in 2020
Irregular vertebral scutes
Baby 6

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Hatched in 2019

Baby 7

Spur-thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca)
Hatched in 2017
Baby 8

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Hatched in 2018
Baby 9

Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Hatched in 2020


Female Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
Age: about 11 years


Russian tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii)
Received in 2019
Age: about 9
Status: healthy
Permanent resident

Adopt an adult tortoise adopt_baby_tortoise


For corporate sponsors, we also have available sponsorships of the adult abused tortoises used in our breeding program until their release. At this time, Tortoise centre has 41 forever hungry breeding adults available for adoption.

Choose and adopt an adult tortoise from our list:



Female Hermann’s Tortoise
Approximate age: 25 years
Received in 2018
Status: recovered cracked shell
Permanent resident

Adopt Lena for 110 EUR

Male Hermann’s Tortoise
Approximate age: 25 years
Received in 2012. Kept as pet in an apartment for 18 years. Received with warped shell and unaccustomed behaviour
Status: healthy
Permanent resident

Adopt Torteal for 110 EUR

Female Spur-thighed Tortoise
Approximate age: over 50 years
Received in 2010
Status: healthy
Permanent resident

Adopt Bashful for 100 EUR

Male Hermann’s Tortoise
Approximate age: 20 years
Received in 2015 with many wound of the carapace caused by dog biting
Status: healthy
Permanent resident

Adopt Sevy for 100 EUR

Female Hermann’s Tortoise
Approximate age: over 30 years
Received in 2015 with fracture and a hole on one of the hind marginal scute
Status: healthy
Permanent resident

Adopt Mya for 100 EUR

Male Hermann’s Tortoise
Approximate age: 20 years
Received in 2018 with missing left hind foot
Status: disability
Permanent resident

Adopt Trinog for 140 EUR

Male Marginated Tortoise
Approximate age: over 30 years
Received in 2012
Coming from: Greece
Status: healthy
Permanent resident

Adopt Marco for 120 EUR
