Tortoise Centre



The Tortoise centre annually provides care and treatment to hundreds abused tortoises. Ministry of Environment and Water determined the centre as a tortoise rescue centre (Order № Rd-826/02.11.2012). The Tortoise centre is situated in one of the few Black Sea tourist areas undisturbed by resort construction – a peculiar “island” rich in biodiversity surrounded by luxury resorts with huge tourist flow. It is not only a home of the Tortoise centre, but the object of a growing interest in ecotourism. The Tortoise centre is managed by Gea Chelonia Foundation – the only organization in Bulgaria and forth of Europe focusing primarily on tortoise conservation and research. It has earned national recognition as an outstanding centre for conservation, recreation, research and education. We aspire to acquaint any visitor with the plight of the tortoises’ struggles to survive amongst humans, and to encourage people to value and protect these animals. It is crucial that we demonstrate to visitors how their individual actions may impact the natural environment and tortoises in particular, for better or worse.

Significant change in human interactions with the natural world will follow a change in their attitudes. Our tortoise conservation efforts create a positive impression in most visitors, most importantly in children. They are our future, the next generation responsible for the destiny of our country’s tortoises.