We rising funds for fencing a new enclosure for handicapped tortoises
For the last three years, the Tortoise Centre has received and rescued a huge number of severely injured tortoises. Most of them were injured on the roads, lost parts of their bodies and remained handicapped. They are doomed to be permanent residents of the Centre. They cannot be released, because without their whole protecting shell they would become victims of predators. However the good news is they reproduce a healthy generation to be turned into the nature. Though in captivity, their life is on full value.

In order to provide them with the best conditions to overcome stress and to adapt to the new environment, they need an environment close to the natural. The Tortoise Centre’s area is divided into separate enclosures, but the space is getting limited more and more due to the increasing number of permanent residents every year. They need more space and we provided them with a new one for placing them in the future. Now we need a fence to protect the tortoises from disturbance and predators. Rising prices of construction materials prevented us to build the fence. That is why we need your support for fencing a big enclosure for handicapped tortoises.

The collected donations will be used for surrounding an enclosure with a length of 180 meters. For purchasing, transport and installation of metal stakes, fasteners and metal panels 3000 EURO are needed. The prices are rising and we need your support now.
Why should you donate?
With your donation, you help us to provide the handicapped tortoises best conditions to live in captivity. By donating, you become a tortoise friend and you are always welcome in our Rescue Center to visit us to get acquainted to the tortoises and our work.
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Donate by bank transfer:
Gea Chelonia Foundation
Bank name: Raiffeisen Bank
Bank account (BGN): BG45RZBB91551086349113
Thank you for your support!